
Välkommen till fotoklubbarnas nya hemsida.

Uppdatera ev. gammal länk till nya adressen, AZDphoto.se.

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Introduction english - Ateljén

Introduction for access to "Ateljén".

Members need to attend an introduction to get access to "Ateljén"

Apart from getting to know the rules and routines for the room during the introduction, you will also learn the fundamentals for using the strobes. If you like, there is also time for you to practice. After the introduction you will also have the possibility to borrow a set of portable strobes that you can use at home.

Introductions are run on demand so if you are interested, or if you have any questions, contact Nils-Olov Hermansson.

Key Card:

After the introduction we put in an order for your access to ”Ateljén" and you will get a mail when you can visit Security in KC1 and update your Key Card with the access to Bildrummet. For members at Dentsply that do not already have an AZ Key Card we will order a "new Key Card" which means that you then also must pass AZ "passerkortsutbildning".

For AZ employee, access is valid for your time as a member of the photo club but for consultants and short-term employee access must be renewed every 12 months.

All members at Dentsply must renew "passerkortsutbildningen" every 3 year.

NOTE! For all card-users! If a card has not been used at least once in a 3-month period it will be inactivated and you will have to visit Security during work hours (not weekend) to activate it.

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